
How to plot a graph in excel a complicated function
How to plot a graph in excel a complicated function

On the left side of Figure 1, we build a table with values of f( x,y) based on x and y values between -1 and 1 in increments of. Surface Chart ExampleĮxample 1: Create a surface chart for the function f( x,y) = x 2 + y 2 – xy We also show how to derive the table of data values for the function f( x,y) where we have the formula for this function.

how to plot a graph in excel a complicated function

We will use such charts to plot functions of the form z = f( x,y), as a three-dimensional counterpart to scatter plots for functions of the form y = f( x). See Excel Charts for information about Excel’s charting capabilities. Excel’s support for such charts is quite basic and limited, but it can be useful.

how to plot a graph in excel a complicated function

Data is represented as a two-dimensional table, where the row headings represent the x-axis values, the column headings represent the y-axis values and the entries in the table represent the z-axis values. A surface chart is a 3-dimensional representation of data.

How to plot a graph in excel a complicated function